Hello readers! This past year has seen a lot of changes for all of us, not the least being the Covid pandemic with its accompanying lockdowns, stay-at-home orders and social distancing. Thankfully, Rivendell Woodworks has weathered the changes relatively well. After remaining home most of the time, I have now come to the point where it makes sense to pull back from the day-to-day operations and ease myself into retirement. I do remain engaged, however, and will from this point on host our company blog in postings I’ll call “the Sawdust Sagas” to keep you up-to-date with our ongoing story.

I sit here on a rocking horse I built some 45 years ago, when the business made wooden toys rather than fine cabinetry.  My left hand is supporting a sign we designed and cut on our CNC router. It blends our logo with that of the Cabinetmakers Association, a nationwide trade organization we were honored to host. Behind me are photos and plaques of a few of the many national awards we’ve received for our fine cabinetry. You may notice I need a haircut (thanks to Covid restrictions on visiting stylists), but I’m managing it, just as Rivendell is doing a good job adjusting to this new world we live in!
